Friday, November 13, 2009

H1N1 shot and odds and ends

Rob and I are going to get the H1N1 shot this afternoon.  We decided to get the shot because Loic is too little to get it, and we want to reduce the chances of us bringing it home to him.  It would be bad if he got the flu because he is so young.  I have never gotten a flu shot but feel that it is important to get it to help keep the squid healthy.

In nap news, today is a good nap day - he has been asleep for an hour and a half now!  Yesterday we struggled though nap time, a lot of waking up, feeding, napping and repeat, but today is better.  Last night he slept from 9:00pm-8:00am with only one feeding in between!  Yipee!  That was almost like a real nights sleep for me!  Go squidy go.

When I nurse Loic to sleep, he does the cutest thing.  He always smiles a few minutes after he falls asleep, in his sleep.  Too darned cute for words.

This morning we went to visit our friend Julia and her 9 GSD puppies!  They are pretty cute.  Loic had a good time smiling at Julia, but am not sure if he noticed the puppies :)

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