Monday, February 11, 2013

Pics of the kids

A bad picture but we can now put bows in her hair!!!

We went to the farm last week, Loic liked the goats a lot :)

Maelle ate a fig-filled granola bar with a lot of enthusiasm!!

Loic "helping" me make pancakes :)

Maelle picking out the peas to eat first - maybe she will love veggies like her big brother?!  I sure hope so.  She is eating peas and oatmeal pancakes here.

I took Loic on a walk today with Jody and Jess and the dogs while the baby napped (Rob was home, don't worry).  It was nice being out with just him. 



  1. was für schöne Bilder =).
    Das Bild wo Loik bei den Ziegen ist gefällt mir am besten.

  2. My first comment in another language! I used google translator, thanks!

    1. Hallo Erika,
      ja das ist echt klasse das google alles übersetzt =)
