Monday, March 25, 2013

It is my Last night... (plus photos)

I head back to work tomorrow after over a year off.

I cannot believe how fast this past year has gone.  Maelle will be one (!) next week and I cannot quite wrap my head around how much of a big girl she has become.  She is now pulling herself to stand on everything and is into *everything*.  We had to figure out how to block her from climbing onto a shelf of her change table - I thought I had lost her in her room the first time she did it!!

Now here are a few pics from the past few weeks:

 Dog walk in Maple Ridge with our friends (Tyler and Toby LOVE this walk)
Loic and his buddy Ben had a great time playing and throwing rocks in the water and climbing up and down the river banks

 A bad picture showing baby up on her shelf - we had to buy some big bins to take up the space she liked to climb into!  The issue is she can't get down once she gets in!

 Funny face Loic building Lego at Grandma's house (she has awesome Lego at her house)

 Swinging on a sunny day last week, she either laughs, looks at the ground or tries to find her brother!


 At the farm today, she LOVED this goat

Her birthday Tutu!!  And sparkly hair clip!!  I am pretty happy to have a baby girl to dress up like this for her birthday (while she still lets me)


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