We are almost 5 weeks into Tyler's recover and he is doing really well.
We have been cleared to go on 15 min walks which we are both enjoying.
We have another rehab session next week and just yesterday, he had his first massage which he really seemed to like (he even fell asleep at one point!).
Then today, I gave each kid a box of raisins to eat at the table. I then ran downstairs to put on a load of laundry (Rob was around, don't worry, the kids were not at risk of choking) and when I came into the room Loic said "Maelle is giving Tyler raisins!" ugh. I called the clinic and figured he ate between 1-7 raisins and the vet said we should come in to make him vomit.
Having been down this road a few months back due to him consuming 6 pounds of kibble in one sitting, I knew it would suck. He is a hard patient to make vomit, he has a bit of an iron stomach. I was super worried about him hurting his back too.
Anyways, after much debate we took him in. He was predictably hard to make vomit but we did get at least one raisin out - and we found 4 more at home so we figure he should be ok. We will do a urine test in the morning and as long as he is able to concentrate his urine we should be in the clear....
Oh dog, are you trying to kill ME?!? He is now resting comfortably and I am about to give him his first dose of charcoal. Fun times!