Monday, April 14, 2014

Random pictures and some school news

First, a picture of the bunnies in a carrier, because it makes me smile:

Don't panic, they are only in it to go from inside to outside - never more than one minute at a time!  We get them outside every day for a few hours; either in their x pen on the deck or on the lawn.  I think they really like it (and no, they don't seem to like being in the soft crate but it means one less trip - these are not little bunnies!!)

The kids and I have been to the farm a few times in the past couple of weeks.

Adorable!!  I have about 10 pictures of him smiling at the camera and her doing everything but

A dog update now.  Tyler is doing really well, he can now do off leash time and he loves going swimming.  We are letting him do stairs on his own again and when we are home, are letting him get up and off the couch on his own (slowly).  We are still taking away the cushions when we aren't home because we worry about him launching off the couch and over the coffee table if anyone comes to the door....silly dog.  We are at the 6 month post injury mark and I am impressed with how far he has come, and more importantly, he is pain free.  His gate is still 'off' but, I think you have to know what to look for to be able to tell.

So handsome.  That is our 'Tyler anti-slip flooring' solution.  Classy looking!!  It works so well to help dogs with back issues on slippery flooring.  We are now looking for alternatives now that is is feeling more stable, maybe some industrial mats?

And now for some school news!  In September, Loic starts Kindergarten.  Where does the time go??
Also in September, I start Grad school.  Yes, I am heading off to get my Masters degree and am very (VERY) excited.


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