Hi all, long time no post! Erin, as promised here are some lolo photos!!
Riding the train at the mall, oh my gosh he loves trains!!
We learned he likes chocolate and bananas together. A lot.
Shockingly cute!
Cheeky little monkey :)
So, big news at our house. On January 23rd, I peed on a stick and saw this:
Yup, pregnant! And 12 weeks about today, with a due date of October 3rd-ish. Other than being extremely ill this pregnancy, things appear to be going well. For not having been sick a day with Loic, this baby is making up for lost time. I have been sick sick sick since week #4, here is hoping that this is the turning point. As long as baby is healthy, we will be happy and Rob has been a rock star these past 8 weeks. I often have to lie down after work and he and Lolo play trains and eat dinner without me these nights. So nice.
Speaking of Loic, he is almost 20 months old now!! And is a funny, chatting machine. I was planning on nursing him until 2 years old, but have been so ill that something had to give and last week was the last time he nursed. I have had to go home a lot at lunch to lie down and once I cut out his lunchtime nursing (I went to the nanny's house every lunch to nurse him on work days) my milk supply just gave out. I am sad, but he seems A-Ok so that is something at least. And I feel prepared for nursing baby #2 now, I learned a lot at the beginning with Loic and learned that nursing past one is just wonderful.
Work is going well, the dogs are well (will post a video of a smart smart black lab soon!) and the house is great too. Artie has had a few seizures in the past few weeks and we are keeping an eye on them but he is his same old self for now.
Will post ultrasound pics in two weeks!