Sunday, March 27, 2011

Diaper Rash drama

So, it happened. After about 20 months, Loic has a nasty case of diaper rash. After trying in vain to treat it ourselves, we went to the Dr. a week and a half ago for help. It was diagnosed as a yeast infection, so we got a prescription and away we went. We stopped using wipes and switched to water and clothes and it got better. We also used some yeast infection cream but now, now it is back. I have no idea what happened! It was looking so nice and then yesterday, back to square one.
So, faithful readers, anyone have any tips?! Nothing has changed, he hasn't been on any antibiotics, hasn't been sick, I think he is getting some molars.
Thoughts?! He is sore and it is upsetting us. I will head back to Dr. this week if it doesn't improve.
Oh, we tried no diaper this evening to air out his bum and that did not go well. At all. He peed and then sobbed because it stung and after fixing that, had a number two which went worse...
Arghhh! I want him to feel better. Poor bug.


  1. That's so sad. Give him a hug and kiss for me!

  2. I will, oh he thinks that YOU are Auntie, he saw you in the driveway tonight and said "Auntie! Auntie! Auntie!" :) Not you and Jody. So we have Jojo/Jody and Auntie.

  3. Calamine lotion? It clears up almost any sort of skin rash and is soothing too.

  4. Reduce his sugar/carb intake for a bit. Stick to protein and veggies. Sugar feeds yeast. Just my thoughts

  5. He is a very good eater, I would think that if anything it is his fruit intake that might be bugging it? Will ask Dr.
    Thanks all, we are back to the Dr. today, he was up at 2:00 crying and his bum is so sore :( Back to bed for me now.

  6. Try soaking it salt water in the bathtub. I...know somebody...who has a bit of a yeast infection problem myself.
