Saturday, September 15, 2012

Highchair Pics

I was all set to wait until Maelle was 6 months old to introduce her to solid food, like I did with Loic, but she another idea!  For the past week or so, whenever she sat on my lap when I was eating, she has reached out for the spoon or fork and has opened her mouth wide open like a baby bird.  She then watches the fork go back to the plate and follows it with her mouth wide open again!  So, we decided a few days ago to let her try some baby cereal.  She took to it right away!  She has had it about three times now and is now opening her mouth and really grabbing the spoon to get it into her mouth quickly. It is really, really cute.  She is over 5 months old now so I feel like since she has shown us how ready she is, we might as well follow her lead.

I have been breast feeding her before we eat dinner then letting her have her cereal while we eat dinner so tonight we brought out Loic's high chair for her to sit in.  She loved sitting in it while we ate dinner!  And she polished off a tablespoon or two so of baby cereal too.  Adorable.  She then had a bit more breast milk and fell asleep :)

Have I said how quickly she seems to be growing up?  She was a tiny baby 5 and a bit months ago and now she seems so big and her personality (laid back, happy, loves to watch her brother and the dogs to everything) is really coming through loud and clear.  She is quick to smile at anyone and everyone who looks at her and she loves watching her big brother - he can make her laugh just by looking at her!

The pics are just iphone ones, we need to take out the camera for some really clear shots soon.

So so so CUTE!!

Blurry but still adorable.


Give me that spoon!!


In other news, Loic loves preschool.  When I went to pick him up last week he asked to stay longer.  

The dogs are all doing well too.  Tonight Jody and I took them up Dempsey for a hike in the woods but we saw a bear on our way only a few blocks away from the start of our hike and he wasn't scared of people at all so we kind of freaked ourselves out and shortened our walk!  Funny since just last night we took the dogs to the same spot and didn't worry about bears - even though we know they are there.  I guess it took seeing such a confident one nearby that worried us (plus I heard something in the bushes - probably a squirrel).  I am not convinced the dogs would do much to warn us of a bear nearby or I worry that they might attract one to us and then proceed to not defend us :)


1 comment:

  1. Looks like Maelle will be feeding herself in no time! They do grow up so fast.So good to hear Loic is enjoying preschool.
    As for the bears, I'm a lot more cautious - well, a lot more noisy - on my hikes right now, hoping not to startle a bear fattening itself up for winter. Fortunately the ones around here are mostly scared of humans and run away - those lower mainland ones seem to be getting more and more brazen. Stay safe.
