As requested (by one person) here is what is going on in the garden:
Peas - are up! I have half of one front bed planted with snap peas, another half with sweet peas (for the flowers Jody :)) and another quarter of a bed planted by Loic....his are NOT in straight rows. We shall see what his peas do. All are looking good! I am on the hunt for some 6' tall stakes to stake them all up with, my brother said alder stakes work well.
Green onion sets - are up and growing quickly.
Radishes - look awesome! I need to thin them out and clearly I am a very, very poor seed planter when it comes to spreading seed out....
Kale - 6 plants in and still alive. A success so far, we have a lot of snails out there eyeing the kale. I got the plants from my dad, he started them in his greenhouse.
Lettuce - the 'Pearl' lettuce is in and growing. Again, I am not good at broadcast spreading seeds - they are all in clumps. I will have to thin it out as it grows.
I put in three rows of carrots but haven't seen any sprout yet. Maybe this weekend?
The raspberry patch I have planted over the past two years also looks amazing. I love, love, love raspberries and so do the kids so I hope we get a lot of berries this year.
Blueberry plants - the 4 dwarf plants look great and so do two of the three standard sized ones. I am a bit worried about one plant, the ends of the branches are showing some die back, but will have to wait and see.
Italian plum has been planted.
My garlic still looks good! All 38 or 40 plants I planted are up and growing well so far.
Next up: I am going to plant potatoes in the back garden this weekend; some fingerling and another type. I also need to get another rosemary plant and will put it in a large pot so that I can overwinter it near the house where it will be a bit more protected.
I am also going to plant some more lettuce in the front garden.
Cooking! I haven't posted many recipes lately but rest assured, I have been cooking nightly.
Last night we had pork chops and I didn't wan to do my usual recipes so I quickly sauteed an onion and an apple in a bit of butter, took the apple and onion out of the pan, cooked the pork chops with salt, pepper, thyme and paprika, then added the apple and onion back to the pan. This was really, really good!
We have also had some crock pot chicken tacos (yummy) and other tasty things lately.
I am on a lieu day today - yipee - so we are off to join friends at the farm once Maelle wakes up and after we have a quick snack.
11 years ago
'Pearl' lettuce is a winner, I'm glad you've got some of that planted. One of the best lettuces we've ever grown.