Today I had to stay home with Maelle because she has a cold. She is in good spirits, however, the amount of snot coming out of her nose is insane - daycares do not really appreciate snotty children so we had to stay home today.
I had a Dr. appointment for her already scheduled for today to look at her finger; she was born with an odd growth/blister on the pad of one finger and last year we had it looked at by a dermatologist who said she didn't know what it was and to get it looked at again if it gets any bigger. In the past week we have noticed that it is now growing down and under her finger nail so off we went back to her Dr. (who I really like). He is Rob, Loic and Maelle's Dr - and my dad and brother also see him I think.
Her Dr. also doesn't know what it is and is going to send her to a pediatric dermatologist once he finds one. Maelle chatted up a storm to him and he said she is a "Smart Cookie" - she was having a real conversation with him, pointing and talking and waiting for him to talk, so so so cute. He said she would make a really good big sister - hint hint Rob! Although, he has 4 grown kids and clearly loves kids so he might be a bit biased. He had 4 kids in 5 years and always tells me how much he enjoyed having kids and loved it when they were little. He is calmer than calm, maybe that helped??
Loic is still loving his daycare, which is great! He has the best time there and loves the boys in his class.
I will have to do a garden update soon, things are happening!
11 years ago
Garden update please! I am relying on your expertise :)