Friday, July 16, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Today is our 5 year wedding anniversary! 5 years ago today Rob and I got married on a very sunny beach in Tofino, surrounded by 42 of our closest friends and family. We have accomplished a heck of a lot in the past five years, including:

-Rob building a successful company from having two to 14 full time employees
-My graduation from UBC biology
-Buying our first home in MR
-Having Lolo! (The best thing that we have ever done, by far)
-Selling our first house
-Buying our second house in N.Van
-Adopting Toby and Arthur (adopting Arthur was maybe not the best thing that we ever did but even I can admit that I do love that slightly angry, annoying little dog a lot and he sure loves living with us)

Phew! That is a lot to do in 5 years, isn't it? And all along the way we do a hell of a lot of laughing ad we have obviously passed on our love of laughter to Lolo, the worlds happiest baby.

Now if only I can get Paris' (our new mantid, I changed her name from Kiwi to Paris because, well, she didn't exactly answer to it anyways and I think that all of my mantis are just going to be named Paris) crickets to stop singing!!!! She ate a lot of crickets yesterday so she must be full today...

Reno update: carpets are in! Doors are in! Now Rob needs to do baseboard and casings, and then the upstairs will be done, except for painting the trim. Yipee! Next up, finish the suite.



  1. It certainly has been an amazing 5 years. I can't wait to see what the next 5 has in store. Other than only one more sibling for Loic, anything could happen.

  2. A little bird told me that there might be two siblings in store for Lolo!

  3. Holy man - five years!!! It does not feel that long ago. Well done to you both.

    xx E
