Loic turned 3.5 years old today and again, I have no idea where the time goes! He is still so very, very funny.
He continues to say very funny things. I wish I could remember everything he says but at the end of the day, when he is in bed, I blank out! He likes to tell us that he is "so very busy and I have a very busy life you know". He also very matter of fact tells us that his run bike "is just for walking, not running" :) He is also very enthusiastic about walking around on said bike wearing his "cool dude" helmet and "super cool, grown up gloves with the moterbikes on them".
He is getting better, finally, about eating. This isn't to say that he is picky, he isn't really picky, he just doesn't like like to eat large quantities of food. He would live on fruits and veggies if we let him; I think I am the only parent who has said: "Put down that banana/apple/cucumber/broccoli and eat your chicken!"
He sure loves his sister and his grandparents. He had such a great time in Hawaii running back and forth between our condo and my folks' condo (right next to each other) that we had to train him out of doing that once my parent's left!
A few things that he loves to do: colour, play with stickers, play with his playmobile guys, read, dance (he has a very eclectic taste in music), walk his bike around, pretend he is a pirate, cheetah, viking or a monkey and just dance around when he says he "feels so crazy right now Mama!". He also likes to help me cook and bake and loves his duplos.
He is still an awesome cuddler and if he wakes up before Maelle, we cuddle in our bed under the covers so that he can get "nice and comfy cozy!". Awwww, it is a very nice way to start the day.
He rarely has big fits about anything and if he does, they are very short lived (I hope I don't regret saying this later). He is really quite reasonable about most things. We do, however, have a funny struggle every.single.day about putting on his shoes. He feels that he can't do it and I feel that he can, especially when I am holding his sister, the dogs, bags, backbacks etc.
Loic goes to a play group one morning a week and LOVES it. I have to run after him to say goodbye. We went to check out a new daycare today and I had to drag him out of there - he wanted to stay and play. He is really, really good with other kids and other moms are always commenting about how chatty and nice he is with other kids. I love this about him so much. He is always saying hi to other kids but at the same time is respectful of their space and feelings. My brother in law once said he has a high Emotional Intelligence and I think that sums him up quite nicely :)
He still likes to put stickers on Tyler and to shake paws. Tyler is also the resident Black Panther that we spot when we go camping in our living room (Toby is the Cougar) and Loic likes to shine his flashlight and headlamp on the dogs from the safety of his tent :) Adorable.
While he does have his moments, we so enjoy this little boy and love him so very, very much.
10 years ago
Awww....way to grow, Loic! He sounds like such a fun kid. And Tyler the Black Panther sounds like a very amiable buddy for a kid. Tyler the Sticker Dog. :)